Agent Orange Project
They were the lucky ones. They came home from Vietnam. They married, had families and held jobs. They were part of our community. But in Vietnam they had been exposed to a defoliating chemical, Agent Orange. And soon, they were showing symptoms of a number of illnesses. Some of these Vietnam warriors have passed away. Originally, there were 71 names of their brothers and sisters engraved on the wall at the LZ Peace Memorial in honor of their sacrifice. Now one by one, 35 names have been added to the memorial due to the effects of Agent Orange.
The Rockford Chapter NSDAR has taken on the project of finding information about each of these men and putting together a notebook with their names, picture, rank and a short biography of their lives. This notebook will be available at the LZ Peace Memorial so anyone can learn about the brave men who served our country to keep us safe and free. This is an ongoing project and as far as we know, the only one of its kind in the United States. If you would like to be a part of this project, contact Regent Linda Brown.
The Rockford Chapter NSDAR has taken on the project of finding information about each of these men and putting together a notebook with their names, picture, rank and a short biography of their lives. This notebook will be available at the LZ Peace Memorial so anyone can learn about the brave men who served our country to keep us safe and free. This is an ongoing project and as far as we know, the only one of its kind in the United States. If you would like to be a part of this project, contact Regent Linda Brown.